According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word “education” is a derivative of the word “educe,” which means to “draw out, bring out...” or “develop”. The Oxford English Dictionary further defines the word education as to “[b]ring up (children) so as to form their habits, manners, intellectual aptitudes, etc,” and also “[t]rain so as to develop intellectual or moral powers generally…”
The above definitions in mind, I wish to stress the need of a sound fitness education for those aspiring to become fitness professionals. In fact, I’ll wager the amount of work that I’ve put into my fitness career to make it successful, that to become a professional at anything, one must have a sound educational base- meaning, our definition in mind, that not only was some skill or trait nurtured, developed, and honed, but that development was equally accompanied with specific “habits, manners, and intellectual aptitudes.” It’s not enough to be talented at something- most people, who are good at it, can’t articulate and transmit it to someone else, the it being the rudiments of their particular craft. Nor is it enough to be smart enough to get it- we’ve all met individuals who were VERY book smart, but they just couldn’t seem to make that simple human connection that gets others to relate and identify with the it they were trying to articulate. Typically, those who are successful- the ability to bring goals to fruition, will tell you that there are specific acts that they do habitually, habits that inherently work towards achieving their desired goals. These habits are subliminally informed by both their innate talent, and the nurturance that has developed that talent. These are individuals who have honed their craft over years, often decades. Depending on the profession, these people may be regarded as Master Craftsmen, and ambassadors to their profession.
In the fitness industry, we have fitness employee’s who often proudly tout the moniker “Master Trainer” or “Master Group Instructor.” For the uninitiated, the assumption is that these are educated- as per our definition, individuals who have spent years honing, nurturing, and developing their professional skills set. However, a cursory investigation of personal and group training practices will reveal that MANY individuals exhibit a minimal professional fitness education.