The Table of Success: Success Stories

This page features the incredible accomplishments of individuals  and organizations, whose efforts, we feel, should be celebrated. We do this as an inspriational resource towards accomplishing our individual and collevtive goals. We support you in your sincere effort to be your best self at all times, and believe that collective celebration is a heal-thy way to do just that!

As you read the items below, define it as a heal-thy challenge to bring your best self to the "Table of Success." Can you make it to our pages? We hope so, and salute your for trying!

Kimberly Cox-Martin

Passion + Vision + Work!=

Kimberly Cox-Martin, an incredibly passionate 40 year-old Physical Fitness Coach, Natural Bodybuilder, and US Army Retired is a living testament to this success formula! Just WHY do we celebrate her pictures, which she has posted on Facebook (Click here to see the incredible transformation!)? Is it because of the stunning physicality that she now displays? Or maybe because she has experienced a weight loss from 312lbs. to 145.5 lbs? These things are impressive, but that is NOT the reason why she is celebrated on this blog. She is celebrated here, because she has consciously chosen to present her best self AS SHE HAS SELF-DEFINED that best self to be!

In her words:

“Be Fierce...Believe in Yourself, Be Patient. Do not put limits on yourself- age, handicaps, time…just move. You would be amazed how your actions may affect your kids, a neighbor, friends, family. BE THE ROCK THROWN IN THE POND-CREATE RIPPLES.”

So many times in life, we want to present our best self to the world, but those self-destructive illusions of fear, doubt, and ignorance (lack-of-knowledge) invade our self-perceptions, and we begin to see all the reasons why we CAN’T, rather than WHY WE CAN. However, when we focus and allow our passions to drive our actions toward the manifestation of our internal vision, we find that we can externally produce that which appeared to formerly not exist.

To the Quantum physicist, the material world is simply a manifestation of our mental imagery- how we perceive ourselves is what we outwardly experience. To the student of any religious doctrine, the best case scenario is a life representative of the highest spiritual ideals known to their particular doctrine. Whether Science or God centered, there is an ideal that we can all aspire to, and that ideal REQUIRES that we put forth our greatest effort, make ourselves uncomfortable, and experience growth in the form of change.

As Kimberly Cox-Martin says it “Find your Peace, then MOVE MOUNTAINS.”

If you would like to contact Kimberly Cox-Martin for personal training or any of her other services, she may be contacted on Facebook by clicking here- Contact Kimberly.