Thursday, September 30, 2010

Class Cancellation and Venue Change for AFAA PFTv4 Certification and Exam!!

The 10/01-03/2010 Newark, NJ course has been cancelled.

Mr. Hudson will now be flying to Pittsburgh to teach the course there. Fot those of you in the New York/New Jersey area, there will be a class in Long Island later in the year. Go to the Instructor Schedule tab to find the date and location nearest you, OR, got to for class information and scheduling. For those of you in the PA area wanting to study with Mr. Hudson , here is the location:

X Shadyside 24 Hour Health & Fitness
5608 Walnut Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15232

The course times for all three days remain the same.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

AFAA PFTv4 Certification and Exam Workshop

Colosseum Gym
525 Irvington Ave
Newark, New Jersey 07106

      Day One     
1 P.M. - 9:30 P.M.

Day Two & Three
8 A.M. - 6 P.M.

Earnest L. Hudson, Jr.

PLEASE study BEFORE the class!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Is Fitness Education Really a Necessity?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word “education” is a derivative of the word “educe,” which means to “draw out, bring out...” or “develop”. The Oxford English Dictionary further defines the word education as to “[b]ring up (children) so as to form their habits, manners, intellectual aptitudes, etc,” and also “[t]rain so as to develop intellectual or moral powers generally…”
The above definitions in mind, I wish to stress the need of a sound fitness education for those aspiring to become fitness professionals. In fact, I’ll wager the amount of work that I’ve put into my fitness career to make it successful, that to become a professional at anything, one must have a sound educational base- meaning, our definition in mind, that not only was some skill or trait nurtured, developed, and honed, but that development was equally accompanied with specific “habits, manners, and intellectual aptitudes.”  It’s not enough to be talented at something- most people, who are good at it, can’t articulate and transmit it to someone else, the it being the rudiments of their particular craft. Nor is it enough to be smart enough to get it- we’ve all met individuals who were VERY book smart, but they just couldn’t seem to make that simple human connection that gets others to relate and identify with the it they were trying to articulate. Typically, those who are successful- the ability to bring goals to fruition, will tell you that there are specific acts that they do habitually, habits that inherently work towards achieving their desired goals. These habits are subliminally informed by both their innate talent, and the nurturance that has developed that talent. These are individuals who have honed their craft over years, often decades. Depending on the profession, these people may be regarded as Master Craftsmen, and ambassadors to their profession.
In the fitness industry, we have fitness employee’s who often proudly tout the moniker “Master Trainer” or “Master Group Instructor.” For the uninitiated, the assumption is that these are educated- as per our definition, individuals who have spent years honing, nurturing, and developing their professional skills set. However, a cursory investigation of personal and group training practices will reveal that MANY individuals exhibit a minimal professional fitness education.

Monday, September 20, 2010


On September 16th, I experienced yet another wonderful birthday celebration; I am inclined to reflect on the potential lessons, fitness or otherwise, that I may have learned during the past year.

It has been just over one year since my debilitating illness, and I feel as strong as ever. Before me, there still lies a journey ahead to travel and fulfill my desired athletic capabilities, but I am enthusiastic and pleased about the physical work that I am producing thus far. Lesson learned- I am not promised tomorrow, so with today, move forward with all that I can, in all ways that I can, for the actions that I perform today shall determine the possibilities that I experience tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Personal Fitness Trainer v4 National Certification

Workshop & Exam

Gold's Gym of Mill Basin
6161 Strickland Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11234


Day 1- 1 P.M.-9:30 P.M.
Day 2&3- 8 A.M.- 6 P.M.

Instructor: Earnest L. Hudson, Jr., MS, CSCS, CES, PES

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Physics of Breakdancing

Earnest L. Hudson, Jr.

On the Anatomatrix Fitness Facebook page, I recently placed a post stating that I was going outside to do some breakdancing for cardio. Someone responded by asking if I were serious about being able to breakdance, and if so, why was I so adamant about it. I’ve gotten that question for many years, and I smile whenever I see (in print) or hear it. Why am I so adamant about breakin’? Because through my knowledge of functional anatomy, I’ve been privy to understand the complexities of the movement patterns involved within the dance. Through that understanding, I’ve been able to see and appreciate the beauty within the movements, and can now define and articulate it as a legitimate art form. I can speak to the elements of the art form, the complexities of their interactions, and the subtleties of its essence. When I dance at this stage of my life, it is not for the glory of “Battling” another dancer for street credibility; I dance for the opportunity to experience the creativity of the moment, to be a vessel of expression for the creative force of the Universe. And as esoteric as that sounds, to an artist, it is a tangible reality that cannot be obtained in any other manner.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

What Health & Fitness Habits Do YOU Nurture?

The Battle Within Affecting Us All

I received this wonderful story in an email, and I thought it appropriate to pass along, particularly with fitness in mind. As you read the story, think about those habits that allow us to wisely judge and determine on all things relevant to our physical well being. Conversely, equally contemplate those habits that often prove detrimental to a heal-thy way of life. We must then ask ourselves, “Which of these habits am I nurturing?”

The Two Wolves

One evening an Old Man told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside
people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two "wolves" inside us all.

One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance,
self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and
The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness,
benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather:
"Which wolf wins?"

The Old Man simply replied, "The one you feed."

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Interview with Earnest L. Hudson Jr. of Anatomatrix Fitness

What's good for the Goose, is good for the Gander!...After I interviewed Jason Koronakos, he decided that I should equally endure the heat of the video camera and turned the tables on me. you have it, about 10 minutes of me discussing what I do, how, and why I do it. I hope you enjoy it, and of course, let us know how you liked it!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bootcamp at Neptune Beach in Long Beach, NY!!!!

The guys at Reality Personal Training have put together another of their bootcamps to make your fitness training fun and exciting! We promote their camps here because we believe in supporting those who actively work to make the fitness community a stronger place to be, particularly when they produce events that are sincere, fun, AND beneficial to its participants. If you have the time, I strongly encourage you to get out there and check it out. There are two sessions, and at only $25 per class, you really can't beat the pricing for the quality that you get. Here's the info, tell them Anatomatrix sent you!

Mon - Wed- Fri 6:30am - 7:30am
Mon - Wed - Fri 9:15am - 10:15am

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Table of Success: A Success Highlight

Passion + Vision + Work!= 

Kimberly Cox-Martin, an incredibly passionate 40 year-old Physical Fitness Coach, Natural Bodybuilder, and US Army Retired is a living testament to this success formula! Just WHY do we celebrate her pictures, which she has posted on Facebook (Click here to see the incredible transformation!) ? Is it because of the stunning physicality that she now displays? Or maybe because she has experienced a weight loss from 312lbs. to 145.5 lbs? These things are impressive, but that is NOT the reason why she is celebrated on this blog. She is celebrated here, because she has consciously chosen to present her best self AS SHE HAS SELF-DEFINED that best self to be! In her words:

Friday, September 3, 2010

Personal Fitness Trainer v4 Certification Workshop and Exam


Bally's Total Fitness
2935 Hempstead Turnpike
Levittown, NY 11756

Day 1: 1PM - 9:30PM
Day 2 & 3: 8AM - 6PM

Need to get your fitness cedrtification for less? Sign up now and get it for only $99!! It's a great class, VERY intensive, and you'll learn a lot of great stuff! Well known fitness educator Earnest L. Hudson, Jr., MS, CSCS, CES, PES will be the instructor for this workshop.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Interview with Jason Koronakos of Amati Fitness

I had the very fortunate opportunity to speak with Jason Koronakos and got some great insight to fitness and his organization, Amati Fitness. Take a look, tell us what you think! This will be the first in our video series "The Fitness Professional."

Secrets to success Pt. 1

This video is VERY inspirational and a must see if you need some perspective on your goals. If we can apply what these principles to our fitness goals, there would be no reason why we would not be healthy and whole. I hope you find as much motivation in this video as I have. I couldn't have said it better, maybe different, but not better!